“The Warsaw Art Fair will be accompanied by an exhibition of works by Jerzy Nowosielski and photographs by Jan Styczyński, who captured the artist at work, at home or during his walks in Cracow. An album titles “Pantheon”, where Jerzy Nowosielski is one of the heroes, will be also available. The presented photographs are from the album prepared by the Warszawska Galeria Obserwacja. At the stand of the gallery (no. 19) you will be able to purchase a set of the above-mentioned photographies in collector’s form (a set of 10 photographs) as well as the said album.”
Jerzy Nowosielski photographed by Jan Styczyński.
2 September 2019
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Photo gallery
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Save the date!
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We still have positive thoughts that we will all meet in October at Warsaw Art Fair.
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October 9-11, 2020
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We invite you to our virtual walk through the 17th Warsaw Art Fair
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